Mixed Reality: A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Teaching and Learning

Im Mittelpunkt dieser Fallstudie der Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland steht Microsoft’s HoloLens. Studierende in der Anatomie lernen hier nicht an mehr Kadavern, sondern nutzen die Möglichkeiten von Augmented, Virtual und Mixed Reality. Die Beteiligten sind begeistert. Die Vorteile des neuen Lernens liegen in der medizinischen Ausbildung auf der Hand. Von Herausforderungen ist nicht die Rede. Aber die Autorin versucht immerhin, einen Bogen zu spannen:

„Anatomy represents just one example of the extraordinary potential for learning through MR. It is time to start to think of new ways to utilize this technology, and other such future developments, for teaching and learning. Classroom designs will change, perhaps even becoming empty rooms for holograms to fill. Instructional designers will have a brand-new palette to work with for presenting new and fascinating student experiences. Online learning will have a meaning entirely different from the physical distance it often represents today. Demonstrative learning is a reality.“

Sue Workman, EDUCAUSE Review, 30. Juli 2018

Bildquelle: Case Western Reserve University