Innovating Pedagogy 2024

Der „Open University Innovation Report“ (58 S.) erscheint in der 12. Ausgabe und wurde dieses Mal von Expert:innen des Institute of Educational Technology (Open University/UK) und des LIVE Learning Innovation Incubator (Vanderbilt University/ US) zusammengestellt. Zehn pädagogische Konzepte werden beschrieben, „to explore new forms of teaching, learning, and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation“. Ich schätze die Konzepte, weil sie in der Regel nicht bekannte Schlagworte hochhalten und somit neugierig machen zu schauen, was sich hinter dem einen oder anderen Titel verbirgt. Dieses Mal setzt der Report jedoch zwei klare Schwerpunkte, nämlich Extended Reality (XR) und Artificial Intelligence (AI).

1. Speculative worlds: Imagining and designing for a more equitable future
2. Pedagogies of peace: Fostering peacebuilding in schools and society through relationship-centered practices
3. Climate action pedagogy: Empowering teachers and learners to take meaningful actions towards climate change
4. Learning in conversation with Generative Al: A dialogic, real-time method of learning
5. Talking Al ethics with young people: Affording children and young people their rights related to Al and education
6. Al-enhanced multimodal writing: Extending multimodal authoring and developing critical reflection
7. Intelligent textbooks: Making reading engaging, ’smart‘ and comprehensive
8. Assessments through extended reality: Harnessing immersion to demonstrate and develop skills
9. Immersive language and culture: Using games to step back in time for authentic learning experiences
10. Exploring scientific models from the inside: Rich embodied experiences supported by extended reality and Al

Agnes Kukulska-Hulme u.a., The Open University, 1. August 2024

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