Good online learning – learning design

Der dritte Teil der kleinen Serie von Martin Weller, „tips for good online learning“, liegt vor. Learning Design versteht er als „the practice of planning, sequencing and managing learning activities, usually using ICT-based tools to support both design and delivery”. Und wie in den anderen Teilen seiner Serie bricht er das Thema nicht auf sieben Regeln herunter, sondern reflektiert, ordnet ein und verbindet es mit nützlichen, bereits vorliegenden Ressourcen.

„So, while learning design isn’t only applied to online education, the familiarity of the lecture based model means that people tend to operate with an innate LD model that is never made explicit. The transition to online learning requires that these design choices are surfaced, but more importantly it provides an opportunity to rethink how a course can be delivered. The adoption of a specified learning design approach can therefore be seen as both a requisite for online learning and also a benefit.“
Martin Weller, The Ed Techie, 22. April 2022

Bildquelle: Martin Weller/ Historic Tale Construction Kit