A Systematic Review of Second Language Learning with Mobile Technologies

Vor kurzem hatte sich jemand mehr neue akademische Erkenntnisse an dieser Stelle gewünscht. Also gut. Dieser Artikel (23 S.) ist „a systematic literature review of the research done in mobile assisted second language learning (MASLL) published since 2010.“ 54 Artikel wurden nach verschiedenen Kriterien ausgewertet: „educational form and level, study design, location, context, role of technology, pedagogical practice and learning impact“.

Das zentrale Ergebnis der Literaturstudie: „Even if each project studied MASLL from a different perspective, all of them agree on the positive impact of mobile devices for enhancing the L2 learning process. The result can be seen as an improvement in the proficiency of the target language, in the learning motivation, or in both of them“,  schreiben die Autoren. Wobei der Fokus der Forschung auf dem Vokabellernen liegt, „underrepresenting how mobile technologies can improve the reading, writing, listening and oral skills.
Veronica Persson und Jalal Nouri, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) , Vol. 13, No 02 (2018), 20. Februar 2018

Bildquelle: thomas vanhaecht (Pexels)