Seeking the unique pedagogical characteristics of social media

Tony Bates ist beim Schreiben seines Buches “Teaching in a Digital Age” beim Stichwort “Social Media” angekommen. In diesem Kontext stellt er Social Media noch einmal kurz vor, verlinkt einige Beispiele, bevor er sie aus mediendidaktischer Sicht näher einordnet. Hier einige Punkte aus seiner Summary:

“- learners now have powerful tools through social media for creating their own learning materials or for demonstrating their knowledge.
– courses can be structured around individual students’ interests, allowing them to seek appropriate content and resources to support the development of negotiated competencies or learning outcomes.
– …
– many students will still need a structured approach that guides their learning
– teacher presence and guidance is likely to be necessary to ensure high quality learning via social media.”

Tony Bates, e-learning and distant education resources, 20. Januar 2015