Metaphors of Ed Tech
Auf Martin Weller, Professor für Educational Technology an der Open University/ UK, verweise ich regelmäßig. Er bloggt seit 2006 („The Ed Techie“) und hat unter anderem 2020 das schöne Buch „25 Years of Ed Tech“ veröffentlicht. Auch sein neues Werk, „Metaphors of Ed Tech“, ist wieder in einem Open Access-Format erschienen (199 Seiten, pdf).
Einleitend schreibt er: „I should also add that I believe it is an endeavour worth pursuing, and worth your time reading about, partly because thinking of metaphors and their application is an interesting activity
and, if you are like me, quite an engaging thing to do. But more significantly it is because ed tech now, particularly since the pandemic, plays a central role in education. Ed tech is a multi-billion-dollar industry,
and the role of companies and technology will have an influence on how education is realized in the coming years …
Understanding and thinking about ed tech – its implications, issues, and context – will be essential in shaping how it is used. Metaphors are a means of achieving this …“.
Zu den bekannten Metaphern, die im Buch behandelt werden, gehören „Uber for Education“, „MOOC as a newspaper“, „Education is broken“, „Digital natives“ und „Edupunk“. Das für den Moment und nach einem ersten Durchblättern.
Martin Weller, Athabasca University Press, September 2022